Story of Rabab Kazmi

Rabab’s early life has many faces from challenging times to beautiful family moments. It is astonishing to see how she led a complete family to stand on its own along with her busy schedules, yet the will and resilience drive her to do both with success and satisfaction. Rabab’s early career life saw her as an educationist, a teacher, an all-women’s advocate by running a ladies club, and more. In 2011 though, Rabab decided to leave teaching and join in as a political figure because her family was a part of the same.

Rabab’s family was not into religious writing or interpretation. Her family was more into politics which directed Rabab to be a great politician too. She has been a part of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf as well as the Motehda Qoumi Movement from 2012 to 2016, sadly the discriminated thoughts and practices didn’t appeal to her enough to stay connected with politics for long. Her strong character and principled personality were in search of something more when she met Shabbir Ali Zaidi back in 2016 who was luckily in search of a great woman who want to accomplish something in life. When they both met, it was miraculously agreed upon that Rabab will be the one to interpret the Qur’an in Urdu which hasn’t been done by any woman yet, and fortunately, the task met accomplishment in 2018. Both the efforts and vision of Shabbir to let women fly high rather than stay low, motivated Rabab who long ago wished for it.

The switch from politics to religious studies opened new doors for Rabab who started her Ph.D. in religious studies. To assess her capabilities, she also joined Madarsa-tul-Khaim as well as took classes from Matam-Imam-Zamana in search of a platform to deliver more. From majalis to her own youtube channel, she gained popularity to become a leading public figure who would impart her religious knowledge on different forums.

Currently, four leading universities took hold of Mushaf-e-Kareem as a material to be read and understood at different levels for enhanced religious understanding. Rabab carries strong believes and faith and has fear of none except Allah. Her journey till today met achievement because of her spirit and resilience. Her work got universally acclaimed, where many came forward to compliment her, but with appreciation came critics and threats. Without showing any care towards belittling minds, Rabab till today has plans to reach out to the tenth volume of Mushaf in a few years as well as plan on writing about family rules and ethics in Islam.