Quranic Interpretation- The Value for Muslims

Quran is a faithful companion of Muslims who will be with him in the grave and fulfill his right of faithfulness even on the day of resurrection. The Quran was originally written in ARABIC language and has been translated into various languages worldwide. Muslims admire the Quran as miraculous and matchless. Due to the Blessed nature of the Quran, the attempts of translating the Quran are considered interpretations of the meanings, rather than an actual translation of the holy text.


The Quran is written in classic Arabic, which is very different from the modern Arabic language used today. The Quran has to be interpreted in light of the historical circumstances of the early Muslim society when the Quran was revealed.

Quranic Translations:


The recitation and interpretation of the Quran is a major concern of Muslims throughout the world, especially for non-Arabic learners. The Quran is the word of Allah Almighty that was revealed to provide complete Guidance to humanity in all its affairs. The literal meaning of Tafseer is Interpretation (an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious). The primary reason for the Quran in Urdu translation is to understand the message and purpose of the Holy Quran.


Quran is the last Holy Book of ALLAH Almighty that he uncovered upon His Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims everywhere in the world present and understand the Holy Quran as an obligation and seek help from it.

Hazrat Abdullah in Masood (R.A) narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said:


“Those who attempt to read it with difficulty (because of their lack of familiarity with the language) will merit double rewards.” (Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood).

Tafseer ul Quran in Urdu

Countless Tafseer of the Holy Quran has been written since the blessed period of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). No other book has been translated as much as the Quran.

The most widely translated translation of the Holy Quran is into Persian by Hazrat Salman Al-Farsi and is still read in many countries today.

To understand the interpretation of the Quran best, you have to read multiple interpretations of various scholars. Some of the famous Tahfeeh ul Quran in Urdu include major works by:

  1. Kanz-ul-Iman Fi Tarjumatul Quran by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan
  2. Bayan-ul-Quran by Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
  3. Tafseer-ul-Quran by Allama Hafiz Farman Ali

The Holy Quran is the ultimate book that can guide us all to achieve our religious goals and follow the right path. It is why it is mandatory for Muslims all around the world to understand it in their native language because doing so can help them implement and practice the religion even better. We wish and we hope that Muslims would recognize the importance of instilling Islamic values because that gets transferred from generation to generation, hence creating an impact that lasts eternally.

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