The Rightful Place of Women in Islam

If there is one thing I believe to be true, that is, if women are given their rightful place in Islam, the religion would flourish and spread like fire. It is because no religion on this planet gives women the freedom, worth, opportunity, rights, and dignity that Islam does. But sadly, what our societies depict today, is quite an opposite and unreal side of what Allah wanted for Muslims.

Discussions about women’s rights have been an endless debate for years and years. From scholars to social activists to religious leaders, everyone tried to raise their voice against discrimination that happens with women in society and the world, but change doesn’t come overnight. The worst thing to experience is to see women become a part of this societal dilemma, forgetting what their place, role, and importance in this world is and will be, so without any wait, let’s throw some light on advancing women’s rights in our societies that promise a drastic positive change in lives, and see what Islam has to say about this.

Equality for All

Islam for long has talked about equality and justice. But first, we need to draw a line between the two terms, because they are not the same, although Islam emphasizes both, but in totally different scenarios. Equality is the belief that what men can do, women can do too. For instance, let’s take up the recent work of the first Muslim lady, Syeda Rubab Kazmi who interpreted the Holy Quran in Urdu and gained immense acclamation for her work. Her series Mushaf-e-Kareem is the first-ever tafheem-ul-Quran in Urdu to be successfully accomplished by a lady. But what is more astonishing to know is that not everybody approved of the idea, in fact, some wen against it offering criticism. But, Allah says in the Quran:

And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women’. (2:226)

To add on, this is unbelievably strengthening to know that women are subjected to peace, praise, believers, dutiful beings, a sign of virtue, and much more in the Quran and Sunnah. It is stated in Quran that believing men and women are promised the same rewards, whereas punishment for evil deeds from both genders lies the same too.

‘Enter into Paradise, you and your wives, with delight. (43:70)

‘Who so does that which is right, and believes, whether male or female, him or her will We quicken to a happy life. (16:97)

This helps us to gather the idea that Islam firmly believes in equality for both, hence leaving aside some matters that are predetermined and specified in the book of Allah. And those preset statements clearly describe the fine line that separates the two of them in family matters, working capacities, testimonies, inheritance laws, and more. Because as Muslims, we have a staunch belief that what we don’t know, Allah knows and he knows everything and thinks the best for us. With this being said, there are hundreds of more Hadiths, Sunnah, and Quranic verses that we can add to the topic, but first, we need to be certain of the things Allah has planned for us for nothing is better than relying on Allah’s will.

May we all as Muslims understand and implement the religion the way it is thought and supposed to be done.

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