
 ‘Limits are the mere boundaries we set for ourselves. Meet a woman who went beyond visions and imagination to set her foot as the first female Urdu Interpreter of the Qur’an’

About the Book

Mushaf, the compilation of the Quranic verses is one of the most acclaimed writing styles in the history of Islam. Since the advent of Islam, Qur’an is heard, read, and understood in various ways, where many memorize it, some use calligraphy to express their connection with Allah,  while some choose to spread the message extensively by interpreting it. Syeda Rabab stepped up to impart her deep understanding about the religion in the form of Mushaf which took years of study and reading.

Mushaf is one way to organize and compile the Quranic verses which slightly differs from the original, One and Only Qur’an. To make it simple to understand, Qur’an is about the revelations on our last Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, whereas Mushaf refers to the revelations put down into the written form.

“Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female – you are equal to one another.” (Qur’an, 3: 195)

Lets hear the story of Rabab Kazmi


Syeda Rabab Kazmi is the first female interpreter of Quran who presented Tafheem ul Quran in Urdu as the first Muslim lady to achieve this level of accomplishment in the entire Muslim history. She currently lives in Philadelphia, USA. Mother of three and grandmother of two, the lady sought to have more than just live and lead a simple life. With a vision she carried to do more for religion without any returns, Allah blessed her with the right people and support she needed to accomplish the task at a young age.


Mushaf-e-Kareem vol 1

Mushaf-e-Kareem vol 2